A festive storm building… let’s hope not

Is it just me, or is the end of 2021 starting to feel all very familiar to the end of 2020?… you know the one where many of us had Christmas and the holidays cancelled at the last minute… anyone remember “Lockdown part II”.

With the introduction to Omicron and cases now increasing at quite the rate, governments have been reacting with vaccine mandates, booster programmes and this weekend travel restrictions and lockdowns.

Of course, it is not just the prospect of restrictions that are the concern for the holidays, but also the virus itself. With a high prevalence of cases, apparent repeat infections, it is all getting concerning and the risk of catching seemingly increasing too… mercifully the hospitalisation rate has been low, but still not great… it is a sure way to ruin Christmas day and spoil the week afterwards too…

All in all it is not very festive news really, and it has put a bit of a downer on the run-up to the holidays this week.

Boiling all this down, it seems like there is a choice…

  1. Be glum, go into hiding, do nothing, all to protect Christmas day… or
  2. Not worry, (yes be careful, protect others, but.. don’t worry too much) have fun and run the very real risk of being sick over Christmas.

Quite the choice really, one that reminded me of game theory type thinking… and set me thinking what is the most optimal choice.

Laying this out there are 4 real options, and their impact on the Christmas season.

See also  Finding the energy
Isolation – avoid everyone– – +– – –
Don’t isolate – be careful – see folks+ + ++ + –

The prospect of have a glum time before Christmas, and the possibility of still getting sick does seem especially miserable.

The situation will, of course, be different for everyone, different pressures and weight of importance for different things, however, it does seem, whilst we need to be super careful not spread it more, we also need live life in the moment and enjoy the run-up to the holidays, safely, where we can… let’s make the most of it however we can.

Enjoy the week and best wishes for the season … next update in the new year, all the best for 2022 everyone

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