ROAR Dashboards

Job Loss Dashboard

Job Loss tracking dashboard, based on analysis of daily news feed, and items that mention job losses. Analysis of trends, both in terms of total job losses and number of unique company names mentioned Companies highlighted, but without specific job loss figures are recorded in a separate column (this is often a precursor to figures being announced) Dashboard allows drill-down capability, by month and by company, including reference to original source text NOTE: Some duplicates may appear due to reporting… Read more

[DASHBOARD]: Signposting & Customer Support Options

On looking for a comprehensive list of free debt advice and customer support charities, there did not seem to be one readily available. We have created an initial list here, from those that we know. Something missing? Let us know, together with those you commonly use in the poll. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Free Debt Advice Name Contact Link Services Telephone Money Helper Free Debt Advice 0800 138 0555 StepChange Free Debt Advice 0800 138 1111 Payplan… Read more

[DASHBOARD] UK Insolvencies and Breathing Space

With an affordability crisis in the headlines, a quick look at the status and trend in insolvencies and breathing space [Debt Respite] England and Wales data shown. Link to the data source here. [data notes: data source:] If you have found this content useful, you can also subscribe to receive future updates or contact us at the links below. ... Access this content for FREE by signing up for ROAR Membership. Join with a Basic (free) or Plus membership… Read more

[DASHBOARD] Family Expenses by Income Decile

With an affordability crisis in the headlines and expectations from the spring financial statement, my curiosity was raised on the data. Where do families spend their money and how does this change by income band. The data is of course available via the ONS (link here) with the data explorer dashboard below. It is important to note that this data excludes mortgage and loan payments. [data notes: data source: ] If you have found this content useful, you can… Read more

[DASHBOARD] UK Energy Market Turmoil

The energy market in the UK has been in turmoil recently with the increase in wholesale gas prices. This has resulted in a wave of companies ceasing trading and falling part of the Ofgem support scheme for consumers. We have summarised the ofgem data below in an explorable data set, to be able to 'slice and dice' the current state of this industry. [data notes: updated manually from Ofgem news:] If you have found this content useful, you can… Read more