Podcast ¦ CX Passport: The one with the shepherds of CX – Rachel Sheriff Chief Customer Officer at Recurly E199

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Key Takeaways

  • Understanding customer-defined value is crucial for service providers, as their definition of value may differ from that of their customers.
  • Customer experience is a multifaceted process involving onboarding, technical support, and customer success, all aimed at enhancing the customer lifecycle value.
  • Rachel Sheriff highlights the importance of aligning customer needs with business goals to ensure impactful results.
  • The “voice of the customer” should bridge gaps between company departments, ensuring a unified approach to customer experience.
  • Customer success is a company-wide responsibility, starting from the first customer interaction with the brand.
  • Effective insights and analytics are key to making it easier for customers to understand and gain value from services.
  • There is an increasing shift from acquiring new customers to focusing on expansion and retention in today’s market.
  • Implementing mutual scorecards can help measure value delivery and ensure alignment between customer expectations and company offerings.
  • Creating partnerships with complementary service providers can enhance offerings to existing customers, rather than solely focusing on new customer acquisition.
  • The approach to customer service should prioritise ease of doing business over simply attempting to create surprise and delight.
  • Delivering content and thought leadership without demanding customers’ time can build trust and strengthen relationships.
  • The challenge lies in delivering a consistently good experience rather than relying solely on exceptional moments that may not align with customers’ actual needs.

Key Statistics

  • Acquiring new customers is becoming increasingly challenging, which requires more creative acquisition strategies.
  • Selling to existing customers is generally less expensive than acquiring new ones.
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Key Discussion Points

  • The definition of value can vary significantly between service providers and customers.
  • Recurly functions as a subscription management and billing platform, helping companies optimise their recurring revenue.
  • The role of a Chief Customer Officer includes overseeing customer experience after contract signing.
  • Experience from agency roles can aid in managing customer relationships effectively across various teams.
  • Customer feedback plays a vital role in driving product and service improvements.
  • Ease of doing business has become a critical aspect of customer experience strategies.
  • CSMs and account managers should focus on generating revenue from existing customers.
  • Transparency and honesty in customer feedback discussions are essential for business improvement.
  • Balancing surprising customers with delivering consistent value is key.
  • Collaboration with other service providers can lead to innovative solutions for existing customers.
  • Metrics related to customer acquisition vs retention are crucial for guiding company strategy.
  • Providing valuable content that requires minimal effort from customers can provide insights.

Podcast Description

In this episode of CX Passport, Rachel Sheriff, Chief Customer Officer at Recurly, explores the complexities of customer experience management in subscription-based businesses. Drawing on her extensive background in customer success and agency experience, Rachel discusses how to define and deliver value to customers in line with their needs. She emphasises the importance of the voice of the customer as a guiding principle for all teams and explores the growing focus on customer retention and growth through partnerships. Tune in for actionable insights on improving customer experience and navigating the evolving B2B and B2C landscape.

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