Podcast ¦ Get out of wrap: 189 Sandra Thompson on Emotional Intelligence pt.1

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In this podcast episode, Sondra Thompson, an empathy expert and founder of AI Evolution, discusses the importance of emotional intelligence and empathy. She shares her journey towards recognizing the value of emotional intelligence and how it can positively impact personal and professional relationships. Sondra explains that emotional intelligence is the foundation for empathy and that it allows individuals to better understand and manage their own emotions, leading to more effective communication and connection with others.

Key Points

  • Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions.
  • Empathy is one of the 12 competencies within emotional intelligence.
  • Practicing emotional intelligence enables individuals to ask great questions and avoid making assumptions about others’ emotions.
  • Developing emotional granularity through language helps individuals better understand and manage their emotions.
  • Journaling and reflecting on emotions can improve self-awareness and provide insights into patterns and triggers.
  • Recognizing emotions as clouds that pass helps individuals make more considered decisions and avoid the influence of immediate emotions.
  • Emotional intelligence can positively impact relationships, job performance, and overall well-being.

Key Statistics

  • Lawyers who practice emotional intelligence have fewer heart attacks and strokes.

Key Takeaways

  • Developing emotional intelligence starts with recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions.
  • Journaling and writing about emotions can improve emotional granularity and help manage emotions more effectively.
  • Emotional intelligence allows for better empathy by avoiding assumptions and asking thoughtful questions.
  • Recognizing emotions as passing clouds helps in making more considered decisions.
  • Emotional intelligence has benefits in personal relationships, job performance, and overall well-being.
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