Podcast ¦ Get out of wrap: 206 – Kerry Sudale on the Candidate Experience in Recruitment

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Key Takeaways

Unconventional Journey: The speaker's path into recruitment was shaped by personal family challenges, highlighting the importance of resilience and adaptability.
Understanding Stories: Grasping an individual’s story is vital in recruitment, fostering stronger connections between candidates and potential employers.
Authenticity Matters: An authentic candidate experience boosts company reputation, as candidates share their experiences, influencing wider perceptions of the organisation.
Emphasis on Storytelling: The speaker advocates for a storytelling approach in recruitment, reflecting both candidates' and companies' narratives.
Defined Values: Recognising well-defined values within companies contributes to improved candidate retention and satisfaction.
Personal Engagement: Transactional recruitment processes can alienate candidates; personal engagement is crucial.
Equal Priority: Candidate experience should be given equal importan...

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