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In this podcast episode, the hosts explore the concept of design fiction as a tool for considering the future. Design fiction involves speculating about possible futures through the design and portrayal of products, services, or scenarios. It blends storytelling and futurism with design thinking to explore the implications of emerging technologies and social trends. The episode discusses how design fiction can help organizations think differently and creatively about the future, and emphasizes the importance of grounding the future in the present to maintain relevance.
Key Points
- Design fiction is a creative approach that uses storytelling and design thinking to speculate about possible futures.
- It involves the design and portrayal of products, services, or scenarios that blend elements of the familiar with unsettling new features to spark new ideas and thinking.
- Design fiction can help organizations consider and explore the implications of emerging technologies and social trends.
- It encourages people to think differently and creatively about the future, beyond the confines of traditional thinking.
- Design fiction is grounded in research and due diligence, and draws on emerging technologies and their potential applications.
- Generative AI can be a useful tool to assist in the creation of design fiction artifacts.
- Design fiction differs from other forms of foresight work in that it focuses on creating artifacts that represent possible futures and engage people in thinking about them.
- It complements strategic foresight processes and adds a tangible and visceral element to future thinking.
- Design fiction requires the courage to step outside of traditional thinking and embrace new and potentially disruptive ideas.
- Rather than using the term “design fiction,” it may be more effective to reframe the approach as a “prototyping exercise” to make it more accessible to the corporate world.
Key Statistics
- No statistics mentioned in the text.
Key Takeaways
- Design fiction is a valuable tool for considering and exploring the future through creative storytelling and design.
- It helps organizations think differently and creatively about emerging technologies and social trends.
- Design fiction requires grounding in research and due diligence to ensure relevance and plausibility.
- Generative AI can assist in the creation of design fiction artifacts and generate new ideas.
- Design fiction complements strategic foresight processes and adds a tangible element to future thinking.
- Adopting design fiction approaches may require courage and openness to disruptive ideas in organizations.
- Refaming design fiction as a “prototyping exercise” may make it more accessible to corporate environments.
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