Welcome to the punk CX podcast
Welcome to the punk CX podcast. My name is Adrian Swisco. I’m an advisor, author and general explorer of the service and experience space. My guests tend to have just really some interesting research, they run a company that has some interesting tech in the service and experience space. They’re part of an organization that is doing some cool stuff, or they run their own business doing interesting things for both their customers and or their employees. That’s enough for me. Let’s get into the interview.
Interview with Dawn Sherman
Welcome back to the podcast, Dawn Sherman, the CTO of pega systems, an enterprise software company specializing in enterprise AI decisioning and workflow automation platforms. In this episode, Adrian and Dawn discuss the upcoming pega world conference, the current landscape of AI in the enterprise world, and how to differentiate between what is real and what is just smoke and mirrors in the AI market. Dawn also highlights the power of using AI to drive innovation and create easier customer experiences. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of doing your homework and getting hands-on experience with AI in order to fully understand and leverage its potential.
What to Expect at PegaWorld
PegaWorld is just over a month away and Dawn shares his thoughts on what attendees can expect. He mentions that AI will be a significant topic and emphasizes the need for pragmatic conversations about AI and its value drivers. Rather than getting caught up in the hype, Dawn believes it’s essential to focus on the practical applications and opportunities for AI to drive true innovation. He also teases the possibility of his famous silver bomber jacket making an appearance at the conference.
The Landscape of AI in the Enterprise World
Dawn provides his insights into the current landscape of AI in the enterprise world. He mentions the growing demand for organizations to dig in and get hands-on experience with AI technologies in order to separate the real value and potential from the market hype. He also discusses the power of AI tools like Pega Gen AI Blueprint in driving innovation and changing the way organizations think about customer experience and business operations. By using AI as an innovation partner, enterprises can design simplified processes and experiences that align with customer expectations.
The Boring Use of AI
Dawn shares his perspective on the power of the “boring” use of AI in helping enterprises work smarter and deliver better experiences. He highlights the need for organizations to avoid just focusing on productivity enhancements and instead, use AI to challenge their current ways of working and drive real transformation. He gives an example of how Pega Gen AI Blueprint can provide benchmarking and force organizations to think beyond their current processes, ultimately leading to improved customer experiences.
Getting Started with AI
Dawn acknowledges that getting started with AI can be daunting, but emphasizes the importance of doing your homework and getting hands-on with the technology. He recommends organizations create a secure environment for employees to experiment with AI and try their own problems, as this hands-on experience is crucial in understanding the true value and potential of AI. Dawn also suggests that leaders should actively use and engage with AI tools to gain a detailed understanding and find where the real value lies.
The Future of AI in Enterprise
Dawn believes that AI has the potential to be as impactful as the internet in shaping customer experiences, workplaces, and even our lives. He encourages organizations to embrace AI technologies and keep up with the fast-paced world of technology to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. He emphasizes the need to continuously innovate and challenge long-held assumptions in order to leverage AI’s full potential and drive real transformation.
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