Podcast ¦ Punk CX: The impact of influencer marketing on customer experience – Interview with Daphne Robertson of paid

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Key Takeaways

Influencer marketing leverages the trust established by creators within their communities to promote products authentically.
The influencer marketing industry is projected to reach approximately $24 billion by the end of 2024, indicating significant growth potential.
Effective influencer marketing campaigns focus on trust and emotional connection between creators and their audience, leading to higher customer engagement and purchase intent.
Brands are increasingly recognising the advantages of collaborating with nano and micro-influencers, who tend to have higher engagement rates despite smaller followings.
The relationship between brands and creators should be built on trust, allowing creators the autonomy to craft content that resonates with their audience.
Campaigns that utilise emotional storytelling and cultural relevance can generate substantial positive sentiment and engagement.
Generative AI tools are expected to play a sig...

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