Podcast ¦ Vulnerability Matters: Episode 19 – Being vulnerable, while working in vulnerability with Makedah Simpson and Rosie Lyon

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This podcast episode from “Vulnerability Matters” features Makita Simpson, Vulnerability and Data Strategy Lead at the UK Regulators Network, and Rosie Lyon, Vulnerability Specialist at AIB Allied Irish Bank. They discuss their personal experiences of vulnerability, including domestic and financial abuse, caring for others, and neurodiversity. They also explore how their personal experiences have influenced their work on vulnerability and the challenges they face in navigating their own vulnerabilities while working in the field.

Key Points

  • Makita Simpson works as the Vulnerability and Data Strategy Lead at the UK Regulators Network and has experience as a carer and neurodivergent individual.
  • Rosie Lyon is a Vulnerability Specialist at AIB Allied Irish Bank and has personal experience with domestic, financial, and economic abuse.
  • Both Makita and Rosie incorporate their lived experiences into their work and find empathy to be a key factor in understanding and supporting vulnerable individuals.
  • Rosie shares her experiences and advocates for change to help others in similar situations, while Makita focuses on policy development and support for vulnerable customers.
  • The term “vulnerable customer” is used in the discussion, and while Rosie is comfortable with the label, Makita questions its impersonal nature and suggests a shift away from the term.
  • Both Makita and Rosie have faced challenges and concerns related to sharing their lived experiences, but they find empowerment in raising awareness and helping others in similar situations.
  • Organizations should ensure they have appropriate support in place for staff who may have personal experiences of vulnerability while working on vulnerability issues.
  • Rosie and Makita discuss the emotional impact of encountering vulnerable consumers who share similar experiences and the balance between empathy and maintaining professionalism.
See also  Podcast ¦ Collecting Thoughts: How AI and Automation Are Transforming Debt Collection Practices

Key Statistics

  • No specific statistics were mentioned in the podcast episode.

Key Takeaways

  • Personal experiences of vulnerability can bring empathy and a deeper understanding to the work of supporting vulnerable individuals.
  • The term “vulnerable customer” may have limitations and often does not fully capture the diverse range of vulnerabilities.
  • Disclosure of personal experiences can be empowering, but it may also bring additional challenges and concerns for the individual.
  • Organizations need to provide support and resources for staff who have their own experiences of vulnerability.
  • Encountering vulnerable consumers with similar experiences can be emotionally challenging, but it can also drive a desire to provide the best possible support and advocate for change.

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