Podcast ¦ Vulnerability Matters: Episode 31 – ‘ Digital poverty’ doesn’t mean what you think with Elizabeth Anderson

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Key Takeaways

Digital poverty is defined as the inability to engage with digital services effectively when, where, and how needed, emphasising the importance of suitable access.
Approximately 11 million UK adults lack basic digital skills, hindering their ability to navigate essential services.
Digital poverty creates new forms of consumer exclusion, particularly among vulnerable populations, affecting their access to education, employment, and public services.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated digital poverty, with many essential services now requiring online access.
A significant proportion of individuals in digital poverty are unable to apply for vital benefits like Universal Credit due to a lack of internet connectivity or suitable devices.
Over 13 to 19 million adults in the UK may be experiencing digital poverty, which includes restrictions on device access, connectivity, and digital skills.
The Digital Poverty Alliance works to unite ...

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