Podcast ¦ What the Future: Leaders Life Stories with Darcy Dewse

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### Key Take Aways - Life is too short, so it's important to live authentically and pursue what truly matters to you. - Unconscious bias is inherent in human beings, triggered by the unfamiliar, but awareness and conversation can help challenge these biases. - Being open to change and new opportunities is essential for personal and professional growth. ### Key Statistics - No specific statistics mentioned in the text. ### Key Discussion Points - The importance of recognizing and addressing unconscious bias in the workplace. - The impact of life experiences, such as working in palliative care, on perspective and priorities. - The value of self-awareness and seeking external support, such as therapy and mentoring. ### Podcast Description In this podcast, Darcy shares her journey in sales and leadership, reflecting on the impact of life experiences and personal values on career decisions. The discussion delves into the impo...

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