[PODCAST]: TED: How to take the BS out of Business Speak

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Podcast Link: TED

In this TED Talk, Bob Wilfong discusses the prevalence of business jargon and its impact on communication. He provides insights into why people use business speak and offers practical advice on how to improve communication in the workplace.

Key Points and Ideas:

  • Business speak, or BS, is a language used exclusively on the job to describe and define things, often using complex terms.
  • Business speak is often associated with the elite and is used to convey authority and knowledge.
  • Wilfong emphasizes the importance of using common language to foster better understanding among colleagues.
  • He shares the concept of “the curse of knowledge,” where experts may assume others understand their jargon.
  • Wilfong encourages inclusivity and suggests that using BS can sometimes be exclusionary.
  • He highlights the need to express fresh ideas without relying on stale cliches or complex language.
  • Cultural differences in idiomatic expressions can lead to misunderstandings in a globalized economy.
  • The origin stories of idiomatic expressions can get lost over time, making them difficult to understand.
  • Wilfong illustrates how some phrases, like “drinking the Kool Aid,” have dark historical origins.
  • Understanding the cultural context of idiomatic expressions is crucial for effective communication.

Key Statistics:

  • No specific statistics are mentioned in the text.

Key Takeaways:

  • Business speak can hinder communication and should be used sparingly.
  • Inclusive communication is essential for effective teamwork.
  • Expressing ideas clearly with simple language is more effective than relying on jargon.
  • Cultural differences in language should be considered in a globalized business world.
  • Understanding the origins of idiomatic expressions can prevent misunderstandings.
  • Avoiding the overuse of cliches and jargon improves overall communication.
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Podcast Score:


Marketing – Promotional Mentions: 3

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