Weekly Headline Roundup: 03-11-2023by Chris Warburton ¦ ROStrategy.com Headline Update 03-11-2023 : -> Insolvencies predicted to fall by 5% in Q3 -> Sigma Connected Group appoints Group Director of Client Partnerships -> Fuel poverty in UK ‘hit one in four in social housing last winter’ | Energy bills -> Interest rate rises caused sharp drop in UK household wealth, report finds | Interest rates -> Higher interest rates help to more than double HSBC profits -> HSBC UK sees mortgage lending lift £4bn in 2023 – Mortgage Strategy -> Late payment times hit three year high RO-AR insider newsletter Receive notifications of new RO-AR content notifications: Also subscribe here - unsubscribe anytime Thank you for Signing Up Please correct the marked field(s) below. 1,true,6,Contact Email,2 1,false,1,First Name,2 1,false,1,Last Name,2 See also Weekly Headline Roundup: 16-02-2024