Weekly Headline Roundup: 16-08-2024by RO-AR.com Headline Update 16-08-2024 : -> UK unemployment falls as wages growth hits lowest in two years | UK unemployment and employment statistics -> Study Shows Top-Performing Credit Unions Innovate to Stay Competitive -> How to stop AI costs from soaring -> 7,640,112 Customers Hit By Massive Bank Breach – Exposing Names, Social Security Numbers, Locations and Bank Account Numbers -> Consumers cut back on spending -> FCA to extend motor finance probe -> 11% of Credit Unions now offer open banking payment option -> Middle-earning households has the worst gaps in their finances -> Over 1.3m households no longer paying council tax -> The ‘how’ of transformation | McKinsey -> The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value -> How Einstein was both right and wrong about gravitational waves RO-AR insider newsletter Receive notifications of new RO-AR content notifications: Also subscribe here - unsubscribe anytime Thank you for Signing Up Please correct the marked field(s) below. 1,true,6,Contact Email,2 1,false,1,First Name,2 1,false,1,Last Name,2 See also Weekly Headline Roundup: 15-12-2023