From the desk of Kevin Still
General update
Consumer confidence continues to fall as a sequence of ‘bad news’ stories hit consumers and small business, in many instances directly in their pocket and disruption in everyday lives. Rishi Sunak's wife having to pay UK tax on overseas income may mitigate this. This threatens to be another political sideshow.
There appear to be an increasing number of trials of 4-day working weeks. UK Finance recently reported that over 3,000 employees at 60 companies across the UK will trial a 4-day working week from June to December 2022, in what is thought to be the world’s biggest pilot scheme.
Something that has been topical in Social Value responses to government tenders is the gender pay gap and looking at continuous improvement in this area. I think we all recognise that there remains a gender pay gap in the UK, especially in some male dominated sectors like construction. The latest disclosures made by large companies, charities and government ...
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