Helping Customers and Clients with Service Visits and Data

Gary Jones, Managing Director of Verify, delves into the evolving landscape of field services in the financial and utility sectors, emphasizing a shift from traditional debt collection to a more nuanced approach focusing on customer support and data collection. He discusses the impact of recent socio-economic changes on customer vulnerability and the integration of technology in field services.

Find out more about Verify -> Here.

Key Points

  1. Field services are transitioning from debt collection to information gathering and customer support.
  2. The focus has shifted towards addressing customer vulnerability and welfare issues.
  3. Recent challenges, including the pandemic and cost of living crisis, have intensified customer difficulties.
  4. Verify’s approach is to provide clients with detailed customer information for informed decision-making.
  5. The integration of technology, like audio recording and potential body-worn video, is highlighted.
  6. Data accuracy and effectiveness in field activities are paramount.
  7. Literacy challenges and a lack of digital savvy among some customers are significant concerns.
  8. Personalized contact is crucial due to varying customer circumstances.
  9. The utility sector remains a strong proponent of field visit processes.
  10. Verify operates under the umbrella of the Perch Group, utilizing their data science expertise.
  11. The importance of real-time information in creating effective customer strategies is emphasized.
  12. The potential for field services to intervene early in the customer engagement process is explored.

Key Statistics

  • Up to 40% of customers visited were not familiar with QR codes.
  • The reduction of ‘gone away’ rates to single digits through data cleansing.
  • High engagement rates, sometimes up to 60-70%, on live debts when field visits are used.
  • A significant proportion of customers have literacy issues or difficulties understanding digital technologies.
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Key Take Aways

  • The evolving role of field services is towards more empathetic customer engagement and support.
  • Understanding and addressing customer vulnerability is becoming increasingly important.
  • Data collection and analysis are key to enhancing field service effectiveness.
  • Technology integration in field services must balance the human element.
  • Personalized strategies are necessary due to diverse customer needs and challenges.
  • The shift in field services reflects broader socio-economic changes affecting customers.
  • Continual adaptation and responsiveness to customer circumstances are critical for success in field services.
  • Collaboration between field agents and data analysts is essential to refine customer engagement strategies.
  • The field services industry is increasingly recognizing the value of early intervention in customer issues.
  • There is a growing need for field services to educate and assist customers in understanding digital tools.
  • Literacy challenges and digital knowledge gaps among customers must be addressed for effective engagement.
  • Field services are essential in bridging the gap between digital and personal customer interactions.


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