The different between data and intelligence

Chantal Constable from CGI discusses how whilst the volume of data has been dramatically increasing, there is a difference between data and intelligence. It is what you do with the data that is really important. See the full interview and find out more about CGI -> Here.

How will client interaction change?

Client interaction has changed dramatically over the last year. Here Chantal Constable from CGI explains what she has seen, and also how she envisions this changing as move forwards and return (or not) to the workplace. See the full interview and find out more about CGI -> Here.

Working remotely – a great leveller

Chantal Constable from CGI discusses how working remotely has been a great leveller, putting everyone on an equal footing, on a video call. This has been true across businesses and geographies. What has been a challenge is some of the more subtle informal interaction, and Chantal discusses some of the ideas she has seen to try to also create that level of informal interaction. See the full interview and find out more about CGI -> Here.

A need to pivot

In conversation with Chantal Constable from CGI. Chantal discusses the COVID pandemic and how CGI have had to discover new ways of working, constantly pivoting to meet the needs of the situation. This has been a challenge however out of this have also come some surprising opportunities too. See the full interview and find out more about CGI -> Here.

From Digital Reaction to Digital Transformation

In this clip Chantal Constable from CGI discusses how from the early stages of the pandemic many businesses have been in digital reaction mode, finding digital solutions to solve immediate challenges. This however does not necessarily lead to great long-term solutions and we need need to think about how do we use this as an opportunity to think about strategy transformation as we go forward. See the full interview and find out more about CGI -> Here.

A new meeting etiquette

Chantal Constable from CGI discusses how they have been thinking hard about how meetings will work in a blended remote and office environment. Business is essentially creative and they are looking to keep some of the positive aspects of remote working as we move forward. See the full interview and find out more about CGI -> Here.