Weekly Headline Roundup: 12-07-2024by RO-AR.com Headline Update 12-07-2024 : -> Large London office buildings proving almost impossible to sell -> Card spending falls for the first time in more than three years -> Octopus Energy boss backs lower bills for people near wind farms -> Sleep could be boosted by saving small amounts of money – study -> Flexible working: Staff able to choose working hours in new trial -> Canadians are struggling to afford groceries over their mortgage -> Is the dip in ownership costs a turning point for housing affordability? -> Glassdoor Is Less Anonymous Than Ever Before -> A Quarter Of Gen Z And Millennials Have Never Answered A Phone Call, Survey Finds -> Synerise Raises $8.5 Million to Expand AI-Driven Behavioral Modeling Solutions -> Synerise Raises $8.5 Million to Expand AI-Driven Behavioral Modeling Solutions -> Synerise Raises $8.5 Million to Expand AI-Driven Behavioral Modeling Solutions -> Fraudulent banking transactions forecasted to rise 111% over the 5 years -> Mind-reading AI recreates what you’re looking at with amazing accuracy -> How mathematics can help you divide anything up fairly RO-AR insider newsletter Receive notifications of new RO-AR content notifications: Also subscribe here - unsubscribe anytime Thank you for Signing Up Please correct the marked field(s) below. 1,true,6,Contact Email,2 1,false,1,First Name,2 1,false,1,Last Name,2 See also Weekly Headline Roundup: 17-11-2023