[EVENT] Arrears & Collections: Latest trends, ideas and support for Credit Unions and Community banks

Date:    12th December 2023

Time:   10:00 – 11:30am


We are almost at the end of 2023 and before we break for the holidays it is a good time to take stock of our arrears portfolio and process.

This year has been an interesting one, economic clouds have been building, and yet arrears levels appeared to remain relatively stable through the summer.  Many customers have had high levels of resiliency, although for some with higher levels of inflation and increasing interest rates, this is starting to have a significant impact.

January, February and March we are likely to see higher volumes in the collections process and we discussed the following topics

  • What are others seeing in terms of collections process dynamics today?
  • What is the outlook for the coming year?
  • Are there any earlier indicators or trends we need to look out for?
  • What support or strategy options are available to help manage increased or changing volumes?


Chris WarburtonCWEvent ChairDirector, ROStrategy
Debbie Smith-HandsDSHPanel MemberHead of Member Engagement, ABCUL
Matt BlandMBPanel MemberCEO, Co-operative Credit Union
John HaslamJH Panel Member CEO, Stockport Credit Union
Kevin StillKSCo-ChairDirector, Consumer Duty Services


Thank you to our event sponsors who have helped make this event possible

Agenda & Documentation

11:0011:1010minCWIntroductory comments
Survey Results
11:1012:301:20minDSH, MB, JH, KSPanel Discussion

Additional Material

See also  [INSIGHTS]: Debt Collections Global Survey Webinar

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