Podcast ¦ PunkCX : Are you doing change to people or with people

Access the full podcast series here Summary Adrian Swisco, host of the punk CX podcast, interviews Phil Lewis and Claire Croft, directors at Corporate Punk. They discuss the importance of doing change with people, rather than to them, in order to drive successful organizational transformation. They also highlight warning signs, such as language that promotes passive agreement and lack of dialogue, that indicate the change is being done to people. Lewis and Croft emphasize the need to focus on unlocking the brilliant talent within organizations and creating environments where people can flourish, leading to improved business performance. Key Points Doing change with people, rather than to them, is crucial for successful organizational transformation. Language and behavior within organizations often contradict the intention to do change with people. The phrases "buy-in" and "taking people on the journey" can mask control-oriented approaches to change. Organiza...

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