Podcast ¦ Vulnerability Matters: Episode 17 – Being a carer with Trevor Salomon and Chris Fitch

Access the full podcast series here Summary This podcast episode focuses on the experience of being an unpaid carer. It highlights the challenges faced by unpaid carers and the impact it can have on their lives. The podcast features an interview with Trevor Salomon, who shares his personal experience of being a primary carer for his wife who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. Trevor discusses the daily life of a carer, the changes in the relationship, and the importance of accepting support and utilizing essential services. Key Points In England and Wales, 1 in 10 people are unpaid carers. 5 million unpaid carers provide care for someone with a health condition. 2 million unpaid carers provide 35 or more hours of care per week. 30% of unpaid carers feel isolated and lonely. 60% of unpaid carers have their own long term health problems. 75% of unpaid carers with jobs worry about juggling employment and caring responsibilities. The exp...

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