
Balancing Security and User Experience

In this clip Kevin Prone from FourNet and Kevin Still discuss the challenges in integrating security measures and consumer protection within regulatory frameworks, particularly in the financial sector. They discuss the necessity of a co-design process to ensure these elements work alongside enhancing consumer experience within the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulations. However, also acknowledge the difficulty of achieving a seamless experience due to the need for “friction” to protect vulnerable consumers. Moreover, distinguishing between victims and perpetrators in these… Read more

Navigating Digital Inclusion and Trust

In this clip Kevin Prone from FourNet and Kevin Still discuss the longstanding issue of fraud, noting that deceptive practices have evolved with technology, leading to concerns about digital inclusion and trust. Despite being a technologist, traditional interactions, such as visiting a bank manager for loans or working directly with investors in their offices, due to an inherent distrust of conducting financial transactions over the internet. This preference underscores a need for balance between embracing technology and maintaining personal interactions… Read more

Establishing Continuous Trust

In this clip Kevin Prone from FourNet and Kevin Still discuss the importance of continuous validation in app security, emphasizing the need for a trust model that ensures a user is consistently verified throughout their interaction with the app. This is to prevent unauthorized access if someone else tries to use the device after the initial authentication, underlining that a one-time verification is insufficient for robust security. Find out more about FourNet -> Here. #FourNet

Enhancing Cybersecurity : A Continuous Cycle of Improvement

In this clip Kevin Prone from FourNet and Kevin Still discuss the ongoing and iterative nature of cyber security, emphasizing that it requires continuous improvement much like certification processes. It highlights the importance of achieving a level of security that enables applications to be validated and featured on platforms like the Play Store and Apple Marketplace. This validation process is crucial for ensuring that digital interactions are secure and that consumers are protected. They also mention specific security measures, such… Read more

Challenge of Identity Verification – Digitally

In this clip Kevin Prone from FourNet and Kevin Still discuss the challenges of verifying identity in digital environments compared to physical locations like offices. In an office, identity is confirmed through physical presence, security measures like CCTV, and access control systems. However, the dilemma arises when accessing services over the Internet, where it’s harder to ensure that users or entities are who they claim to be, highlighting the complexities of online identity verification and security. Find out more about… Read more

Accelerating Threats – the Rising Cost of Cybersecurity

In this clip Kevin Prone from FourNet and Kevin Still discuss the increasing pace and complexity of regulatory environments, emphasizing the need for vigilance and adaptation. There is the challenge of keeping up with an exponentially growing number of factors requiring oversight, advocating for the implementation of proportionate controls and they acknowledge the costs involved in adapting to these challenges, especially for smaller entities like debt buyers, collectors, and advice firms, which operate in a space dominated by much larger… Read more