
[WEBINAR]: Robot overlords, AI… and a cup of tea: Automation in collections

That was a lot of fun.. final results of the biscuit survey and a good discussion on Automation, getting the fundamentals of your processes right, as an enabler for AI implementation. Also great, relevant discussion on security in the cloud too. Register to watch the full video on the CSA site -> here Summary: Cloud-based systems and artificial intelligence (AI) are shaping the future of business operations, providing opportunities for scalability, flexibility, and cost management. In a discussion among industry… Read more

What do you really think of AI?

All this talk of AI has been swirling in my head this week… I asked the team at Indigo Cloud Limited, Mark Morrall & Ian Simpson, what they really thought of AI… the answer was well, perhaps the most British response ever. ? Find out more about Indigo Cloud -> Here.

Feature Overload – Is collections made too complex?

Taking a step back for a second… are we making collections processes just too complex, too many bells and whistles, when at the end of the day this is about good customer conversations and outcomes? Mark Morrall and Ian Simpson from Indigo Cloud think this could be the case, however there is also a way to access some of these extra features, where they do make sense, at a more reasonable cost too… using cloud-native software. Find out more about… Read more

Collections – clearly it is all getting cloudy

Mark Morrall and Ian Simpson discuss some of the trends they have seen in cloud software and in particular in the Collections software market. With the cloud-based software, leveraging economies of scale, advanced features are gradually becoming available to all sectors of the market…. and from a delivery point of view, physical infrastructure light and highly user configurable… it is becoming a game changer and fueling yet more dynamism in the sector. Find out more about Indigo Cloud -> Here.